Below is a list of all the Help/Advice articles in this category.
Please click on a question to see an article giving advice/help on that question.
You can change category by choosing from the dropdown in the right-hand column.
It’s important to make sure that you get all the help that you’re entitled to.
How can I get help filling in my PIP claim form?
How do I appeal against a benefit decision?
Can I get an advance payment of Universal Credit?
How do I apply for Universal Credit?
How does Universal Credit work if you’re self-employed?
How does Universal Credit work for couples?
Check eligibility for Universal Credit if you’re not a British Citizen
Help and advice from how to buy a car, holiday or broadband through to dealing with something going wrong with a purchase.
Please note that we have a dedicated Consumer team to support you. Rather than contacting us first, it could be quicker to contact them directly.
Help with Parking – Parking tickets/blue badges/disabled parking
How can I claim compensation for a holiday that has gone wrong?
I want to cancel a holiday. How can I do this?
I downloaded a game, app, music or a film online but it does not work Want can I do?
I no longer want an item that I boughtbut there is no fault with it. What can I do?
I bought a faulty item. What are my options?
I am very unhappy with building work/home improvements undertaken, what can I do?
I bought a second-hand car, and there are problems with the car. What can I do?
Where can I get help with a problem at work?
How do I start an Employment Tribunal claim?
What is an Employment Tribunal?
What action must I take before taking a case to Employment Tribunal?
I think I’m being discriminated against, who can I contact?
How do I deal with disciplinary action taken against meat work?
Dealing with money issues can sometimes be off-putting, but if you don’t understand how things like credit or mortgages work, you could end up losing out financially or getting yourself deep in debt.
How do I get a Foodbank voucher (‘food vouchers’)?
I am struggling with living costs generally – what help is available?
I am struggling with my gas/electric costs – what help is available?
What options do I have for dealing with debt?
What if a bailiffs/debt collector writes to me telling me they will be visiting my property?
I’m being chased by a creditor, what can I do?
I have no money and need to buy furniture or other items in an emergency. What can I do?
Where are my local food banks? I have no money for food.
My electricity/gas might be stopped as I have not been meeting payments, what can I do?
For advice on bullying, exclusion and access to schools
Cambridgeshire County Council – the local education authority
ACE Education – for advice on bullying, exclusion and access
How can I get help filling in my PIP claim form?
I’m over 60, and struggling to make ends meet, is there anything I can claim?
I’m recently bereaved, is there any help available?
I’m a parent, what benefits can I claim?
I’m struggling to keep my home warm. Is there any help available?
How do I claim Child/Working Tax Credits?
I’m a carer, do I quality for carer’s allowance to help support me?
I’m disabled, is there anything extra I can claim to help with living costs?
How do I make sure that I get a pay TV deal that is right for me?
How do I make sure that I get a broadband deal that is right for me?
I am a student, and was wondering what deals I am entitled to?
How do I make sure that I get a mobile phone deal that is right for me?
I’m not sure I’m receiving the best deal from my energy supplier. What can I do?
To find out about local and central government services, or to contact your local representatives.
How Are You Hunts? – bringing together everything in the local community that is good for wellbeing.
TheyWorkForYou – find out how your MP represents you in parliament
Write to Them – website that enables you to write to your MP and councillors
East Cambridgeshire District Council
For help and advice about health services
Age UK– advice for older people on health and well being
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group – find your local CCG here
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) – for questions and complaints about your hospital care
NHS Choices – to find a doctor or dentist, or for general health advice
Housing issues will always arise and therefore you need to know your rights and responsibilities. You could also find yourself threatened with eviction if you can’t cope with your mortgage payments.
I am homeless how do I get a Council House?
What local support is there for the homeless?
I would like to take in a lodger. What do I need to know?
I’m in dispute with my neighbours, what options do I have?
Am I entitled to support in paying for home improvements?
How to get help improving safety in the home for over 60s and the disabled
Citizens Advice Rural Cambs is only legally allowed to provide basic information and advice about immigration – we are not trained immigration advisers.
Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum – provides racial equality services in Cambridge
What paid holidays am I entitled to?
My employer owes me money, how do I take legal action against them?
Where can I check that I am paying/my employer is paying the right tax?
My employer hasn’t paid my wages, what should I do?
What is the real living wage, and how is it different from the National Living Wage?
While we are happy to help with what we can, unfortunately we are not trained legal advisers, so we cannot provide legal advice. The following information may, however, be useful for you.
Advice now – information on rights and legal issues
Cambridgeshire Constabulary – local police force
It only takes a little time, and some help, managing your money to get your finances in good shape now and into the future.
Help with Parking – Parking tickets/blue badges/disabled parking
How do I claim money back from someone?
How do I make sure that my family is provided for if I die?
How can I sell unwanted items online for extra money?
How can I make sure that I am spending money safely online?
How can I complain about a financial product or service?
Will I be affected by Tax Credit cuts?
What is Council Tax for? How much will I pay and how shall I save for this?
How can I claim back Payment Protection Insurance(PPI) free of charge?
How can I get help filling in my PIP claim form?
How do I get a Foodbank voucher (‘food vouchers’)?
I am homeless how do I get a Council House?
What do I do if my child arrangements aren’t working?
I am struggling with my gas/electric costs – what help is available?
How do I appeal against a benefit decision?
What options do I have for dealing with debt?
What if a bailiffs/debt collector writes to me telling me they will be visiting my property?
My partner and I have separated/split up what do I do about money/children/housing?
Find out what your rights are if your relationship has broken down, for example whether you can stay in the family home or who the children should live with. You can also find out how to deal with things like making a will, registering a birth or changing your name, and where else to go for help.
What do I do if my child arrangements aren’t working?
My partner and I have separated/split up what do I do about money/children/housing?
Someone close to me has died, what do I do?
How can I access Adult Social Care?
A relative needs me to help them manage their affairs, what do I do?
Citizens Advice Rural Cambs cannot provide detailed tax advice. These organisations should be able to give you further advice.
Tax Help for Older People – if you are a pensioner
Can I get an advance payment of Universal Credit?
How do I apply for Universal Credit?
How does Universal Credit work if you’re self-employed?
How does Universal Credit work for couples?
Check eligibility for Universal Credit if you’re not a British Citizen
What benefits are being replaced by Universal Credit?
Check if you’re eligible for Universal Credit
Why has my Universal Credit been declined? I am an EU citizen.
Having a job is an essential part of most people’s lives. When you are in work, you can be faced with many difficult issues, so it is essential to know what your rights are.
Where can I get help with a problem at work?
Can I ask for flexible working hours?
I’m pregnant, how do I find out what my rights are?
How do I calculate holiday entitlement?
I’m off sick from my work, what are my rights?
My employer wants to change my contract, what can I do?
What if a bailiffs/debt collector writes to me telling me they will be visiting my property?
I’m being chased by a creditor, what can I do?
My electricity/gas might be stopped as I have not been meeting payments, what can I do?
What action can my creditor take against me for not paying back money that I owe?
What happens if bailiffs visit/turn up at my door?
Help with Parking – Parking tickets/blue badges/disabled parking
How do I claim money back from someone?
How do I make sure that my family is provided for if I die?
How can I sell unwanted items online for extra money?
How can I make sure that I am spending money safely online?
How can I complain about a financial product or service?
Will I be affected by Tax Credit cuts?
What is Council Tax for? How much will I pay and how shall I save for this?
How can I claim back Payment Protection Insurance(PPI) free of charge?
This section lists other independent advice websites that you may find useful.
How Are You Hunts? – bringing together everything in the local community that is good for wellbeing.
Tax Help for Older People – if you are a pensioner
TaxAid – tax advice for those on low income
Help with Parking – Parking tickets/blue badges/disabled parking
How can I claim compensation for a holiday that has gone wrong?
I want to cancel a holiday. How can I do this?
I downloaded a game, app, music or a film online but it does not work Want can I do?
I no longer want an item that I boughtbut there is no fault with it. What can I do?
I bought a faulty item. What are my options?
I am very unhappy with building work/home improvements undertaken, what can I do?
I bought a second-hand car, and there are problems with the car. What can I do?
Instead of searching for answers on the website, you might prefer to ask our AI powered Chat system (just click on the button on the bottom right of the screen that looks like the image to the left). You can ask it questions in plain English, and it will direct you to a relevant help page on our website. It can answer our most commonly asked questions and we are striving to improve it as time goes on.
Don’t worry, it is not there to try to “fob you off” – it is very good at answering common questions quickly and if it can’t, it will direct you how to get in touch.
Why not give it a go?
Can’t find an article relevant to you?
The above articles are a selection of the most common issues that people look for help/advice on. The National Citizens Advice website has even more information that might help you to find immediate help/advice on the issue you have.
If you are unable to find the help/advice that you require in the above articles then the quickest way to get help is by filling in the following Advice form. By taking the time to enter all the information it will help us to help you quicker than if you just call us.
Read client agreement
Citizens Advice Rural Cambs will provide you with:
- Confidential advice. We will not tell anyone about your case and will not pass on anything from our records to anyone outside the Citizens Advice service without your permission, unless we are required to do so by law or it is the right and necessary thing to do. Our records are subject to quality checks. We will respect your data protection rights for any information you provide to us. Please ask to see our Privacy Policy if you would like to know more.
- Follow-up work. Any follow up work will be agreed between your adviser and you. This may include negotiating on your behalf with other organisations by letter or phone. We will discuss any offer with you before accepting it, unless you have specifically told us what to do.
- A complaints procedure, if you are not satisfied with the service we have provided. If you wish to complain, please ask for the leaflet which explains how to complain.
We cannot guarantee to take on all cases, even if someone is already a client. We may also have to stop advising you if we believe we cannot make progress on your case for you or there is no further good outcome that can be gained, or if you do not do what we expect of you (see below).
In return, we expect you:
- To keep appointments you have made with us or let us know in advance if you can’t make it.
- To inform us of any changes in your circumstances which may be relevant to your case. Examples of relevant changes are change of address, birth of a child, additional income
- To bring in all the papers relevant to your case which your adviser asks for. This includes notification of court or tribunal dates etc.
- Not to take action on your case on your own behalf without discussing it first with your adviser.
- To provide written evidence of your income, debts or other financial matters where appropriate. Your adviser will let you know what is needed.
- To follow our advice – unless you and your adviser agree you should do something different.
- To be honest with us about the circumstances of your case, for instance by telling us about all your debts and income or what led up to your being asked to leave your employment.
- To always treat our staff and volunteers with dignity and respect.
We reserve the right to stop advising you if:
- You turn down a reasonable offer from the other party because you wish to take the matter to a tribunal or court hearing. Your adviser will discuss with you whether an offer is reasonable in the circumstances.
- You do not follow our expectations listed here.
Where we offer help
Before contacting us for help/advice please check that you live in the area highlighted below
If you don't, you are still welcome to use our online help/advice material
We offer help on a wide range of topics in Huntingdon/Wisbech areas, such as Benefits & Tax credits, Consumer issues, Debt, Housing, Managing your money,
Relationships & Family and Work.

In East Cambridgeshire (shown in light green) we provide Universal Credit claim support, Debt advice and help with CLAS applications.
Meeting locations
On occasions, especially regarding complex problems, our Advisors may recommend getting together in person and so will arrange an appointment at an agreed time and location. Some of the locations we have used are shown below.
- Huntingdon
- Wisbech
For local residents only:
- Chatteris
- March
- Ramsey
- St Ives
- St Neots
- Whittlesey
- Wimblington
Local Drop-In Service
We are now offering a limited drop-in service to local residents in specific locations. No timed appointments are available – just turn up, but note that the number of people that we can see in each drop-in session is limited and they will be held on a first come first served basis.
Please check the areas where we can offer support and read the Client Agreement between you and Citizens Advice Rural Cambs before contacting us for help/advice, thank you.
If you have a simple query you can contact us via Chat.
Note this is only available when our staff are not all busy responding to requests for help submitted via forms or over the telephone.
If it is available you will see a chat link in the bottom corner of the website.
If you have a simple query but are unable to contact us via Chat (if it is available you will see a chat link in the bottom corner of the website) then please consider using the national Citizens Advice Chat facility.
This is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm: click here to Chat with them.
If you need urgent help please call our Adviceline. Please note that our advisers are very busy, so if you are able to submit an advice form it would help us to offer the best possible service to all our customers.
Our Adviceline service is open from 9:30 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon, Monday to Friday, with late opening until 7:00 in the evening on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Call 0808 278 7807 (free)