Before you contact us for help please ensure that you have checked our online help/advice articles – these may provide immediate support.


Please check the areas where we can offer support and read the Client Agreement between you and Citizens Advice Rural Cambs before contacting us for help/advice, thank you.


Then fill in the form below to provide us with information to allow us to respond to your enquiry quickly and accurately.

We ask for a lot of information on this form. Note that if you call us we will need the same information, so filling in the form online will probably get you a faster response.

If you haven’t already checked our online advice articles please follow one of the links below the form – you might be able to answer your question without needing to contact us.

    Please note that we are only able to offer support to people who live in the coloured area indicated in the map below. If you live outside this area please visit the National Citizens Advice website for help, thank you.

    CARC coverage map

    About You

    Date of Birth (required):

    Using your Information

    To comply with the Data Protection Act (1998) we must ask for your permission before we record, store, share and process your data. These details may include personal and sensitive information.

    Therefore we would be grateful if you could read and tick the permissions you are happy to provide to us to allow us to improve, monitor and evaluate our services

    What are you worried about?

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Are you:

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    If you have a tenancy:

    Housing benefit:


    Details of this issue

    Details of this issue

    Please enter other other other other other problems here, not

    How can we help?

    Follow up feedback

    We want to make sure the service you receive meets your needs. To help us understand this and improve our service, Citizens Advice may want to contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback. We will only share the information that is absolutely necessary.

    If so, can we contact you by:

    Legal Protection

    Please note that we aim to respond within 3 working days.


    If you already checked our online advice articles, are unable to fill in the online advice form above, Chat is unavailable or you need urgent help, please call our Adviceline.

    Our Adviceline service is open from 9:30 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon, Monday, Thursday and Friday and from 9:30 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening on Tuesday and Wednesday

    This is a Freephone number.   All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.  Your details are also logged on our internal computer system,  which are not shared without your permission and are protected by the Data Protection Act.

    Local Drop-In Service

    We are now offering a limited drop-in service to local residents in specific locations. No timed appointments are available – just turn up, but note that the number of people that we can see in each drop-in session is limited and they will be held on a first come first served basis.

    Help and Advice

    Look in one of the following areas for carefully selected advice to answer our most common questions. You might be able to find an answer to your problem immediately.